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The 12 Deeds of the Buddha 

This is a glimpse into Abiding Heart's Buddhist Year curriculum. Below is an example of some of the ways we nurture an inner experience and a close relationship to the 12 Deeds of the Buddha. We learn, contemplate and participate in celebrating these important events. Below is a taste of of how we observed each day of the 15 days of miracles the Buddha performed in Sravasti. 

The Fifteen Days of Miracles the Buddha Performed

Chotrul Duchen

Drawing by Sonam Choden Thakuri, Abiding Heart's art teacher.

Today is the first day of the 15 days of miracles the Buddha performed in Sravasti.

Miracle 1:

On the first day, the Buddha placed a toothpick in the ground which manifested as a majestic tree with exquisite leaves, flowers, fruit, and colourful precious gems. Brilliant light was shining from these gems. It was a magnificent miracle!

May our light shine brightly from our hearts to all children wherever they are. This is our wish and aspiration for all beings.

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Today is the second day of the 15 miracles the Buddha Performed in Sravasti. 

Miracle 2:

On the second day, the Buddha turned his head right and left, and on either side of his throne a jewel mountain emerged. On each mountain flowed a magical spring whose pure water had eight different tastes. One mountain was covered with lush grass to feed animals, while the other was covered with special food to feed humans.

May all beings be nourished and never experience physical emotional or spiritual hunger.

This is our wish and aspiration for all beings. 

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Today is the third day of the 15 of miracles the Buddha Performed in Sravasti.

Miracle 3:

The Buddha washed his mouth and where the water from his mouth touched the earth a big lake formed. The lake bed was covered with jewels and on the surface many lotuses of all colours blossomed. The lotus flowers radiated with light and their fragrance filled the air. The rays of light from the lotuses glowed and people could see everywhere.

May the dust in our eyes be washed away so we can wake up to our true nature.

This is our wish and aspiration for all beings.

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Today is the fourth day of the 15 miracles the Buddha performed in Sravasti.

Miracle 4:

On the fourth day, after the lunch offering, the Buddha created a pool with eight streams that flowed outward and back again in circular paths.

May we all find our way back home to our true nature.

This is our wish and aspiration for all beings.

Today is the fifth day of the 15 miracles the Buddha performed in Sravasti. 

Miracle 5:

On the fifth day, the Buddha showed a brilliant golden light that purified everyone around him. It purified all their sadness, anger, dullness, and pain in their hearts, making them very peaceful in body and mind.

May we all have peace in our hearts, always.

This is our wish and aspiration for all beings.

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Today is the sixth day of the 15 miracles the Buddha performed in Sravasti.

Miracle 6:

The Buddha then enabled all who were there to see into each other’s minds and each one saw the others’ good and bad thoughts.


May we all have peace in our hearts, always.

This is our wish and aspiration for all beings.

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Today is the seventh day of the 15 miracles the Buddha performed in Sravasti. 
Miracle 7:
The Buddha blessed all those who came to listen to him teach. They all became universal kings who supported the Dharma. Each king had seven magical gems. When the Buddha spoke they had great faith and their mind awakened more and more. Some became bodhisattvas and others sowed seeds of rebirth as humans.

May we all love one another. 

This is our wish and aspiration for all beings.

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Today is the eighth day of the 15  miracles the Buddha performed in Sravasti. 
Miracle 8:
The Buddha placed his right hand on the lion throne in the earth touching mudra, and there was a great sound of trumpeting elephants.

May we all love one another.

This is our wish and aspiration for all beings.

Abiding Heart Education is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registration number SC052307. Donations are tax deductible in the UK.
Abiding Heart Education is a 501(c)(3) charity registered in the USA. Donations are tax deductible in the USA. 

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The Abiding Heart Education™️ Approach; Abiding Heart’s kindergarten (age 3-6) and primary to early secondary (age 6 - 14)) curriculum, curriculum content; Abiding Heart's teacher training courses and their content;  and all other Abiding Heart courses and their content are legally copyright registered in USA and Nepal.  The Abiding Heart Education works that have been fixed in a tangible form of expression (for example, but not limited to, written on paper, typed into a computer, recorded on an audio medium) become protected by copyright.  Our Legal registration provides enhanced enforcement and penalties for infringement. Full patent applications for the Abiding Heart Education approach are now pending in USA (63/362,964 18/298,700) and Nepal (271). The Abiding Heart Education Approach is patent registered in Hong Kong (HK30087182; HK30087172). Abiding Heart Education™ name and logo are trademark registered.

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