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Abiding Heart Education Support to other Organisations 2017 - 2023 

We, at Abiding Heart, have been busy with our own activities, however, we also provide support and services to other organisations since the beginning of 2017. Please join us, as we take a look back at the last six years, helping schools and other organisations through training, mentoring and advising on pedagogical aspects. We also provided them with consultancy services in other related aspects of running a school, such as human resources, school design, organisation and management, and care and welfare of children. 

Tergar Schools, Kathmandu, Nepal 

January 2017 - February 2021

52. The class room.jpg

We developed the vision for the establishment of Tergar Schools and put systems in place using the Abiding Heart Education approach. The services we provided included:

  • Writing a detailed strategic plan and management systems;

  • Putting together finances and budgeting system;

  • Developing the schools project phases and timeline;

  • Identifying staffing needs and human resources systems;

  • Developing the children's care and welfare programmes;

  • Designing and developing the schools grounds and buildings;

  • Helping the schools leadership in defining and articulating the ethos of the schools.  


The aim in establishing these particular systems for Tergar Schools was to implement the Abiding Heart Education™ approach and for the faculty to attend the Abiding Heart Education teacher education courses. The Abiding Heart approach is a complete package that includes: a worldview on nature of reality and human development, on which, our unique children's curriculum (from kindergarten to class 12), teacher preparation courses, and teacher personal development programmes, rest on. 

Below is a summary of what we achieved at Tergar Schools in four years: 

Tergar School Kathmandu Grounds
Designing the development of the school's grounds. This includes:

  • Writing proposals to fund the construction of one of the school buildings

  • Designing the renovation of existing buildings and furnishing them and overseeing that implementation is going according to plan and budget.

  • Designing several new buildings (two of which have been built since).

  • Designing the classrooms interior in the Waldorf education style

  • Designing Waldorf style wooden furniture and soft furnishing and overseeing that implementation is according to design.

  • Designing and implementing the general style and feel of the school compound to bring a vision of natural and wholesome childhood that takes away any institutionalised feeling and bring in a more Waldorf feel. This also includes opting for having smaller buildings scattered surrounded with gardens rather than one large building to keep a home like feel for the school. 

  • School buildings specifications: Working with architects by creating detailed education specifications and designing the future school's buildings (beyond the two buildings which have already been built).

  • Children's residential home units specifications: Working with architects on building design of the monastic children’s residential home units which includes a home from home approach that keeps their children connected to their home Himalayan Buddhist culture, environment, nature and the farming traditions many of them come from. Also, in designing the care of the children model we included house parents to care for the children in small home units with a small number of mixed age children in each home. The model is for each home unit to like a family unit with kitchen, living space for the children to live and cook together with house parents in a family style of living. The aim of this model is for the children to learn life skills, feel safe and nurtured and remain connected with a sense of family life. 

  • Landscaping the school grounds by planting 100 trees and hundreds of shrubs and flowers. Our aim in doing so was for the trees to mature by the time the school opened its doors to the children so the children can experience eating fruit directly from trees. 

  • Playground: Designing the school natural playground and providing close guidance to the manager responsible for the implementation.  

  • Safety: We worked with architects, engineers, construction managers and the monastery management on stabilising the school's boundary land to ensure safety of children. 

  • Sourcing tradesmen: we helped the monastery source and hire: support staff, maintenance workers, engineers, a construction manager, administrator, a carpenter and gardeners for the school project.

  • Setting up training/advisory staff accommodation: We set up a comfortable accommodation for the school's visiting trainers, mentors and advisors.

Care and Welfare of Tergar Schools Children

  • Educating the schools leadership of the urgent need to change the traditional monastic care system for their children to one that is more child centred and uses a family style care model. 

  • Designing a new model for the care and welfare of monastic children to be used by the schools. This programme integrates 24 hour care: the time before, during after school hours ,with the emphasis on a home from home environment for the monastic children. The children's wellbeing programme also includes a system for sending the children on holiday back home at least once a year. This is so the children can remain connected with their roots: their biological family, the extended family, their village and regional community, and the natural environment they were born into.

  • In the care and welfare model we included a budget  and a financial reality that must consider:

    • Human resources need, i.e., having enough teachers and actually having house parents. Taking care of staff by offering a very good employment package (i.e., having a very good salary, medical insurance, enough holiday time, comfortable accommodation and nutritious food) will increase staff retention which means stability and consistency for the children. 

    • Investing in training teachers and house parents by paying for them to attend ongoing long term Abiding Heart's training courses as well as personal development workshops

    • Providing children with enough clothing appropriate to the weather 

    • Creating a system for care staff to care for the children's personal hygiene to be maintained at a good standard 

    • Creating a system for up keeping the children's living and education environments clean and beautiful and inviting

    • Offering healthy, nutritious and balanced diet for the children. We put an emphasis on the children having fruit and protein sources, several times a week rather than very occasionally or once a week.

  • Establishing a cafeteria/kitchen with: a healthy food menu; a standard of how to cook and bake nutritious food and healthy drinks. We put a strong programme in place for training staff in food hygiene and how to ensure this standard is maintained!

  • Training the schools management in how to implement the children's welfare and care programme we designed in boarding situation. We  worked hard on setting up a standard for care of children in terms of the school: hiring house parents, providing plenty of healthy food; ensuring high standard of food an personal hygiene;  an providing care for children’s physical and emotional well being, understanding that each child is a unique individual that must be loved and celebrated. Abiding Heart spent 3 years training the person who is now in charge of the care of the children as well as other members of the school management. We put this system to the test by providing care for some of this monastery's children who resided in the gompa in the years leading up to the establishment of the school. 

  • Training the school's management in a system of maintaining school buildings and outdoor environment to be aesthetic and tidy at all times.  

  • Designing and creating for the children a culturally relevant outdoor school environment to include:

    • A nomad's tent as a learning environment

    • Smallholding with farm animals vegetable garden, fruit tree, a field for growing barley, corn and other crops

    • A traditional high Himalayan kitchen with a wood burner. We called it the storytelling kitchen

    • The intention in designing this environment is to keep the Tergar school children connected to their home environment which is mostly in the rural mountainous parts of Nepal. By doing this, we aim to support the children's emotional well being and minimise the effects of the drastic change of leaving home at such a young age.

Running Tergar Schools

  • Training the schools management in child development, and a developmentally appropriate education and school related activities, such as:

    •  Preparing the school's weekly and daily schedule.

    • Sourcing out and making learning and teaching materials and books.

    • Preparing the school annual calendar of events, including natural. educational and cultural outings, observing auspicious days.

    • Nurturing the spiritual life of the school and how to keep the children. connected with the monastic life (the monastery is about 15 minutes up the hill walk).

    • Creating and maintaining warm and beautiful classrooms.

  • Training the schools' management team in how to create and maintain a gentle and caring school and residential boarding care routine, and how to respect, empower and support staff so they in turn feel safe and supported to care and teach the children with a warm attitude of love and compassion. 

  • Connecting: Through building a connection between Abiding Heart's teaching team and Tergar Osel Ling, one of Abiding Heart's local trainers linked the monastery with his community in Helambu (Yolmo). Many of Tergar Schools children are from this community.

 Training Tergar Schools Team in the Abiding Heart Education™ Approach 

  • We provided four years training to the Tergar Schools' management team, the leadership and some of their international education team in the Abiding Heart Education™ approach. They attended courses in Experiential Buddhist Foundation Studies, Meditation, Himalayan Arts (Paubha painting and Charya dance) Human Development and Child Development, Learning Theories and Methodologies, Curriculum Studies, and Students Well-Being. 

  • We mentored and guided the Tergar Schools leadership, some of the current local staff, and international. 

  • We also sent some of the Tergar Schools team members and Tergar senior monks for additional Waldorf teacher training courses in India and Nepal and invited visiting Waldorf trainers and other education experts to mentor them

  • We kindly ask Tergar Schools leadership and team to credit the Abiding Heart Education approach systems and content they use and not claim and present it to be their own original design and work. Credit must be given where credit is due. 



After four very busy years, Abiding Heart Education™ concluded its engagement with Tergar Schools.  In those years we built a firm foundation and strong systems for Tergar Schools on which they were comfortably able to welcome their pupils. We rejoice that Abiding Heart's huge amount of work, effort and time is enabling Tergar Schools to have a good base from which to educate and care for their children.  


Abiding Heart Education, however, did not implement the Abiding Heart's curriculum nor the Tergar Schools class teachers attended our teacher education courses. It was our understanding from the school leadership and management that they were not ready to shift to the Abiding Heart Education™ approach due to the big gap between a traditional learning style to our holistic child centred and transformative approach.


At the core of the Abiding Heart approach is our unique view of child development that shapes our curriculum. Informed by our holistic and contemplative view of child development, we designed an experiential mind training that keeps the children connected to their mere 'I', that sense of openness and spaciousness, while skilfully and gradually intensifying enquiry based and academic learning each year, without compromising the children's spiritual development.


It was our understanding, from Tergar Schools' leadership and management, that they wished for their schools to be primarily centred on education that has an emphasis on traditional academic learning backed up by scientific research. The Abiding Heart Education™ approach, true to transformative education, emphasises educating according to the child's developmental phases, and nurturing an all-round development by cultivating the 'being mind' of the child. The Abiding Heart Education approach is centred on giving equal weight to the thinking, feeling, artistic, and doing realms, all in service of healing for self-transformation.


Having many years experience in doing such work, we, at Abiding Heart, understood that the leadership and middle management of a school must be receptive and open to change when implementing a new education system. We decided to conclude our engagement with Tergar Schools and wished them success in providing the kind of education they envisage for their children.

We kindly ask Tergar Schools to declare the aspects of their schools that belongs to Abiding Heart Education.™ Should they wish to continue to use the Abiding Heart Education approach, they are required to ask our permission and complete the Abiding Heart Education teacher education courses.  

Tergar Osel Ling Monastery, Kathmandu

February 2019 - February 2021


A Vision for Monastic Education from Kindergarten to End of Shedra Level and Beyond

Abiding Heart Education™ designed a blue print for educating monastics from kindergarten through to university levelAbiding Heart advised and suggested possibilities to the leadership of Tergar monastery to include education for monks from kindergarten, primary (class 1-8) but also to ensure a high school programme for the monks that integrates both shedra foundation studies and secular high school diploma. In the vision Abiding Heart Education shared with the Tergar leadership, the shedra foundation years would extend and each year will include Buddhist foundation studies and secular high school studies. In this way, Abiding Heart advised, the monks will develop enquiry and analytical skills, as well as high capacity to express ideas, thoughts, philosophical debates not only orally but also in writing. 

Abiding Heart Education™ advised the leadership that for the monks to have a high school diploma would enable them the possibility for academic studies once they completed the shedra. Furthermore, we advised that by introducing a high standard high school with an officially recognised high school certificate, the monastery can accredit their shedra 9 years studies as a bachelor and master degree with one of the Buddhist universities in Nepal. This, we advised, would open possibilities for monks to pursue doctorate studies in local and international universities and bring the monastic voice to international academia of Buddhist and contemplative studies. 

In addition, Abiding Heart recommended to the Tergar leadership to create new avenues for monks who graduated from the shedra, such as, taking the Abiding Heart Education™ primary and kindergarten teacher education courses to become professional experiential Buddhist education teachers. 

Furthermore, Abiding Heart identified the need for the shedra teachers to be informed on how to teach their shedra students. We recommended to the Tergar leadership that their monastic teachers would benefit from receiving training in pedagogy which are part of the courses offered by 
Abiding Heart Education™

Thangkha (Paubha) Painting for Tergar monks

In 2019 Abiding Heart Education set up the thangka (paubha) training programme for Tergar Osel Ling monks. For the report and photos, please click here.



Abiding Heart Education's Monastic Teacher Education Course

December 2019 - March 2020



























At the end of 2019 and in the beginning of 2020 Abiding Heart Education™ designed a unique monastic pedagogical or learning and teaching methodologies course. The training course began in February 2020. The aim was to support monastic teachers to improve how they teach and relate to their shedra students. Tergar Osel-Ling monks from Nepal and India participated as well as monks from Sherab-Ling monastery. This course came to a halt as a result of the pandemic. Since then we have further developed this training course and we aim to re-launch this course in the near future.

Tergar Charity, Nepal 

April 2017 - May 2021

Abiding Heart Education™ was central in developing and establishing Tergar Charity's Nubri kindergartens in terms of:

  • Writing proposals for the establishment of the Nubri kindergartens in 2017, a year before Tergar Charity was established. These proposals were then submitted to potential donors with successful results.

  • Designing the Samagaun the kindergarten logo. 

  • Training Tegar Charity staff on how to establish and maintain fundraising systems and events.

  • Training the Nubri kindergarten teachers and administrator on how to implement and maintain the child sponsorship reporting system. 

  • Enabling Tergar Charity to use the Abiding Heart Education™ teacher sponsorship system (with the condition that they can do that while they are collaborating with Abiding Heart) in their organisation and website to generate financial support to send their teachers to Abiding Heart's training courses.

  • Mentoring Tergar Charity management staff in: administration; human resources; organisation and staff management; and effective communication and care of staff.

  • Providing on-going advisory service and training to the management and administrative team of Tergar Charity.

  •  Implementing: The Abiding Heart Education bespoke education programme; Abiding Heart's curriculum implementation; how to work with parents; and guiding the kindergarten teachers in a way that met the specific needs of Samagaun and Prok villages communities. The bespoke education programme included the Abiding Heart's Himalayan Buddhist and cultural heritage curriculum.  

  • Samagaun Kindergarten: From 2017 - 2021 Abiding Heart Education™ was central to setting up the Samaguan kindergarten. This included a bespoke Abiding Heart's programme that brought together the Abiding Heart kindergarten curriculum together with Nubri Buddhist heritage and the Montessori method. We arranged for 19 months Montessori teacher training in Kathmandu with Bina's KetaKeti Bari Montessori kindergarten. This kindergarten and teacher training centre is one of Abiding Heart's local partner organisation. This training was in addition to the two years Abiding Heart's kindergarten teacher education course these kindergarten teachers attended. The Abiding Heart's kindergarten training course includes experiential Buddhist foundation studies, (meditation, Buddhist philosophy and rituals), child development, and our unique experiential Buddhist kindergarten curriculum. For more information about: Abiding Heart Regional Kindergarten training course, please click here; Abiding Heart's kindergarten curriculum, please click here

  • Prok Kindergarten: From 2019 - 2021 Abiding Heart Education™ was central to setting up Prok village. This kindergarten was set up with the intention of being a fully Abiding Heart Education™ kindergarten.  We arranged for 6 months training in one of the school in Kathmandu that was set up by the director of Abiding Heart Education in 2000. At the same time, the Prok teachers attended a bespoke training at Abiding Heart's centre in Kathmandu. For two years Prok kindergarten teachers also attended our in-person and online kindergarten training course. The Abiding Heart team guided the process of setting up the Prok kindergarten classroom and designed the furniture and other equipment. We also purchased some of the learning resources and donated toys and teaching resources to this kindergarten. 

  • Gayul Kindergarten: June - July 2021. We provided kindergarten teacher training to one of the Gayul kindergarten teacher. 

  • Training Teachers in the Abiding Heart's Experiential Buddhist Kindergarten Curriculum: From July 2019 - July 2021 Abiding Heart's team also trained the Nubri kindergarten teachers in Buddhist philosophy, meditation and the Abiding Heart Education Buddhist imbued curriculum, which to our knowledge, is still being used in these settings. 

  • Providing In-School Teacher Training Service for Prok and Samagaun Kindergartens: From 2019 - 2021, Abiding Heart provided in-school training service by sending our trainers to Nubri to train and mentor the Samagaun and Prok Kindergarten teachers in their own setting.  

  • Providing Ongoing Mentorship: In addition, from 2019 - 2021, Abiding heart provided ongoing online mentorship and lesson planning guidance sessions with Prok and Samagaun teachers.

  • Supporting Cultural Preservation: Abiding Heart specialises in designing culturally relevant curriculum to support Buddhist Himalayas heritage preservation. We provided Samaguan and Prok kindergartens with the Abiding Heart's Tibetan Buddhist related curriculum content in Tibetan language. This curriculum is part of the Abiding Heart’s bespoke Himalayan kindergarten and primary curriculum which we developed over 20 years. To go with this, we designed a unique teacher training course specifically for this purpose. 

  • Training in Teaching English as an additional language:  We established a programme for teaching English as an additional language in both Samagaun and Prok kindergarten and provided on-going weekly support in implementing this programme. 

  • Designing Playgrounds: We designed the playgrounds for Prok and Samagaun kindergartens and built the Prok kindergarten playground.


The majority of the culturally relevant and Buddhist related curriculum, rituals and meditation exercises, and learning activities in the Samagaun and Prok kindergartens have come from the content of the Abiding Heart Education curriculum. This includes Buddhist and Himalayan culture related stories, songs and verses and their translations into Tibetan language.

In July 2021, many of the Prok and Samagaun teachers shared that the standard of the Abiding Heart's kindergarten teacher training course was not easy for them. This is regardless of the huge amount of additional support and mentorship Abiding Heart provided them with including Nepali interpreter, a lighter training path for them, and technical support. The teachers managed well the curriculum studies section of our training and were able to implement the Abiding Heart's curriculum quite well. However, these teachers expressed that they were not interested in studying child development or the underpinning Buddhist philosophy and meditation which are an important part of the Abiding Heart's courses.

In addition, Tergar Charity's director strongly expressed that he prefers to have only aspects of the Montessori approach together with rote learning system be used in these kindergarten. He also felt that, regadless of experts advise, these kindergartens should focus on the children simultaneously learning to speak, read and write in three languages. He did not appreciate a play based learning programme and wanted these kindergartens to focus primarily on learning literacy and numeracy. 


Abiding Heart accepted that Tergar Charity need to to follow their director's heart wish and use a combination of traditional rote education system together with basic Montessori education practices in their kindergartens. As this goes against the ethos of Abiding Heart's child centred learning, we concluded our engagement with Tergar Charity in July 2021. 

For a full Nubri Kindergartens project report, please click here.


Tergar Institute, Kathmandu, Nepal

2019 - 2020

Abiding Heart dialogued, advised and suggested the following possibilities to the leadership of Tergar monastery for the development of Tergar Institude:

  • Abiding Heart cultivated a good relationship with a local university for accrediting our own courses. As support for Tergar Institute, Abiding Heart negotiated with the university (for 11/2 years) accrediting Tergar Institute's Buddhist Studies courses as a bachelor degree. The university agreed to accredit Abiding Heart's teachers education courses but were reluctant to engage in conversations about accrediting Tergar Institute  course as it was similar to their bachelor degree in Buddhist Studies. 

  • Abiding Heart identified and recommended individuals to the Tergar leadership of individuals who can help in developing their Buddhist Studies programme. We also advised the leadership in the terms of engagement with these individuals, such as pay, duration, allowances and benefits, and job description.

  • We also mentored and guided the coordinator responsible for setting up Tergar Institute programme in terms of:  

    • Connecting and engaging them with local organisations and individuals;

    • Dealing with logistics of having international students;

    • Identifying staffing needs and finding faculty to teach on the programme;

    • Providing ideas for integrating socially engaged Buddhism (Bodhisattva in Action) into their Buddhist Studies programme;

    • Training them in our students wellbeing system and ensuring international students are held and cared for throughout the programme in terms of physical and mental well being;

    • Advising Tergar Institute team on creating a financial, fees, and budget systems as well as connecting them with other experts in this field to guide them.

Tsoknyi Gechak (TGS) Monastic School and Tsoknyi Gargon Ling (TGL) Monastic School, Kathmandu, Nepal

November 2020 - August 2021

  • We trained 10 class teachers from Tsoknyi Rinpoche schools in:

    • Human Development and Child development 

    • Buddhist Psychology

    • Learning Theories and Methodologies: Buddhist Pedagogy, the Transformative Learning Approach of Rudolf Steiner, other Contemporary Learning Theories and Methodologies 

    • Abiding Heart Education's Transformative Experiential Buddhist Pedagogy

    • Shamatha Meditation

    • Some of Abiding Heart's Curriculum Studies for Kindergarten and Primary

    • Handwork 

    • Experiential Arts 

  • We provided advisory service to the school’s principal.

  • At the request of the principal, we spent 3 days in TG School observing and assessing the education, organisational and care needs. We made recommendations on how to improve the quality of teaching, care and education as well as strengthen the administrative and management systems.

  • We provided support in sourcing education equipment for their kindergartens.

  • We gave our recommendations on how to improve nutrition for their children.

  • Translations: we trained the school teaching staff on how to translate Abiding Heart's learning resources into Tibetan. We worked together on translating several children’s stories and songs into Tibetan as a way for GTS teachers to offer a token in return for receiving a full Abiding Heart scholarship. 

The school principal felt that implementing the Abiding Heart approach would require a deep change in their education system and the full participation of the school management; something she felt was not possible at the school. The school leadership also questioned the need for two years training (Abiding Heart's training is two-years full time) and felt that it was too long. The school implemented snippets of Abiding Heart education and continue to offer a mixture of Nepali government education system with aspects of Montessori education for kindergarten and a little bit of project based methods. The approach remains mainstream and exams, competition and results driven but in a loving, caring and warm environment for their children. 

Khyentse Foundation, India (KFI)

January 2021- December 2022

We provided consultancy service to KFI director and leadership team in aspects of:

  •  Improving education standard in Kanishka monastic school.  

  • The general process and requirements for setting up a new school for lay children.

  • Giving guidance on the process of setting up a new school using the Abiding Heart Education approach.

  • Advising on establishing a school’s human resource and a healthy management and organisation systems.

  • Providing advise to KFI on how to turn their vision for their unique education specifications for their various education projects into a reality.

  • Guiding KFI on how the Abiding Heart curriculum can meet their lay Indian sangha school cultural heritage and diversity needs while still being deeply Buddhist based; and how to design a bespoke Abiding Heart that meets the unique cultural and social needs of their community. 

  • Providing the KFI team with advice on:

    • specifications and design of  a new school premises to include classrooms and other facilities from nursery to class 12 as well as a section for parents education. This includes buildings specifications, outdoor space layout to include areas such as, playing fields, gardening classroom and small-hold to reflect their vision for their school’s activities 

    • Providing a more detailed specifications of buildings, gardens, playing fields and landscape to be able to implement the Abiding Heart Education™ approach in their school  KFI director and another member are half way through they two-year full time training at Abiding Heart. 

    • Helping in calculating the size of land required to purchase to meet the education specification. We ran

    • our short Paubha painting course for KFI in Delhi as part of their programme to preserve Himalayan Buddhist arts. 

Serdang Monastery School, Nubri, Nepal

August - November 2021

In 2021, Abiding Heart provided three months training to two teachers from Serdang monastery's primary school. To help improve condition in this school we donated teaching resources, learning materials, toys, arts and crafts supplies, books, games for outdoor play and more. 

For report about this outreach activity, please click here

Indreni Charity, Kathmandu, Nepal
November 2021 - December 2022 

We have been training 6 class teachers from Indreni charity in kindergarten and primary education. In addition, we offer this school teachers:

  • Providing a close mentorship programme for the 6 teacher trainees to keep up with the course content and assignments.

  • Mentoring: Regular weekly mentoring sessions with this team guiding and preparing them to implement the Abiding Heart Education™ approach in their school. 

  • Mentoring and providing additional training beyond the main course route.

  • Guiding: Regular support in creating and sourcing education resources, equipment, toys, arts and crafts supplies.

  • Bespoke programme: To meet the needs of the Indreni unique circumstances, we have been adapting Abiding Heart’s curriculum to be culturally and specifically relevant to include a contemplative (secular Buddhist), Nepalese secular, Vedic and Buddhist aspects in the curriculum. 

Benchen Monastery School, Pharping, Kathmandu
December 2021 - December 2023


Abiding Heart has been approached by the principal of Benchen Monastery with a wish to fully implement our approach in their school. The principal has been looking into the Waldorf approach for some time and felt that it is the right system for a monastic school. We have been implementing successfully the Abiding Heart approach and have committed partners on this journey.

In our support to Benchen school we have been:

  • Preparing the school's 9 class teachers in kindergarten and primary education and training them in Abiding Heart transformative experiential pedagogy.

  • Providing on-going guidance on improving the care and welfare of children and in implementing this system. 

  • Guiding the school's management in implementing Abiding Heart Education. 

  • Implementing fully the Abiding Heart Education™ approach.

  • Providing advice to the school management in renovating their classrooms to accommodate the implementation of Abiding Heart's approach.

  • Designing the schools furniture and education equipment.

  • Providing advisory service on Human Resources, school organisation and management.

  • Providing ongoing daily and weekly mentorship and in-service guidance for the kindergarten and primary teachers in implementing our approach in their school and in ensuring the children are making good steady progress in their learning.  

  • Donating education resources, equipment, toys, arts and crafts supplies to help set up the first four Abiding Heart classrooms. 

For the Benchen School report please click here or visit our Current Helping Schools Project webpage. 

As we conclude this report we make aspirations:
May we always fill children's lives with love, hope and joy and dedicate this merit to the enlightenment of all sentient beings. 

Abiding Heart Education is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registration number SC052307. Donations are tax deductible in the UK.
Abiding Heart Education is a 501(c)(3) charity registered in the USA. Donations are tax deductible in the USA. 

© Abiding Heart Education™️ 2018-2024. All rights reserved. © Meyrav Mor 2000-2024. All rights reserved. No part of this website content may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from Abiding Heart Education and Meyrav Mor. 

The Abiding Heart Education™️ Approach; Abiding Heart’s kindergarten (age 3-6) and primary to early secondary (age 6 - 14)) curriculum, curriculum content; Abiding Heart's teacher training courses and their content;  and all other Abiding Heart courses and their content are legally copyright registered in USA and Nepal.  The Abiding Heart Education works that have been fixed in a tangible form of expression (for example, but not limited to, written on paper, typed into a computer, recorded on an audio medium) become protected by copyright.  Our Legal registration provides enhanced enforcement and penalties for infringement. Full patent applications for the Abiding Heart Education approach are now pending in USA (63/362,964 18/298,700) and Nepal (271). The Abiding Heart Education Approach is patent registered in Hong Kong (HK30087182; HK30087172). Abiding Heart Education™ name and logo are trademark registered.

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