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Regional Kindergarten Teacher Education in the

Abiding Heart Education™️ Approach

Course details


  • Full-time: 5 February 2024 - 19 December 2025

  • Part-time: 5 February 2024 - 20 December 2027


  • 2 years, full-time course

  • 4 years, part-time course

Format: Online classes with teaching placements in the country of residence

Language: All classes and instructions are in English.

Entry requirements: You are eligible to apply if you are from and residing in a South-Asian country (India, Bhutan, Sri-Lanka, Nepal, Tibetan Communities, Maldives, Bangladesh and Pakistan), or in the following South-East Asian countries: Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia, Philippines and Malaysia. Kindergarten teachers who are currently teaching or intending to teach in kindergarten in the private, monastic or government sector would benefit greatly from this course. 

Minimum requirement: High school (completed class 12) final examinations: grade C or above in English, science and maths. 

Monastic applicants: minimum 9 years of Shedra studies.

Teaching placements: Successful applicants must comply with all legislation in relation to school placements in their country of residence

Assessment: Continuous assessment including attendance, class participation, oral presentations, reflective practice and preparing lessons and activities for kindergarten education.  
Award: Kindergarten Teaching Certificate in the Abiding Heart Education™ approach

Abiding Heart's photo gallery from our kindergarten teacher training courses and the the children that benefitted  from their teachers training with us. 

Course description


The Abiding Heart Education™ is a new approach to education that rests on a contemplative paradigm. Fusing contemplative traditions rooted in ancient wisdom worldview, meditation and application with Steiner/Waldorf methodology and developmental science we have created a unique children’s transformative experiential pedagogy that gives equal weight to the intellectual (head) affective (heart), and action (doing) domains. This new approach places the emphasis on developing wisdom and compassion that is to be lived in the class and in our personal life. Trainees will gain a good balance of theory and practical knowledge in teaching that is grounded in transformative experiential contemplative thus fostering their continuing inner development.

The curriculum draws deeply on the live ancient experiential traditions and wisdom which emphasise applying the knowledge acquired in everyday experience in order to nurture an ongoing transformation. Students develop practical teaching skills based on child development theory and gain experience in creating teaching and learning resources in preparation for school placements and embarking on life as an Abiding Heart Education™ teacher. At the core of this course is the practice of letting our minds rest, our hands create, and our hearts rejoice. The sense of wonder that nurtures young children is a capacity we all have, and although it may not always flourish in adulthood, we can reconnect with it and deepen our experience.

This teacher education course specifically caters to teachers from South Asia and parts of the South East Asia region who are currently teaching or intending to teach in kindergarten in the private, government, secular or religious sector. The course will empower kindergarten teachers with the knowledge, skills, and understanding to create a nurturing and stimulating learning environment in order to support child development. Evidence shows that experiences of such positive learning environments support the development of self-esteem and confidence and increases the likelihood of children continuing in education. 

Students will receive a theoretical and practical understanding of kindergarten education based on the Abiding Heart Education’s transformative experiential contemplative learning approach. We will also include elements of the cultural heritage of the Himalayan region to demonstrate how the curriculum can be adapted to a specific culture. Teachers from other regions will learn how to integrate their own culture, language and tradition into this education approach and curriculum. The course content includes:

  • The Abiding Heart’s transformative experiential contemplative studies, which includes an engaging and life-changing study of contemplative studies/philosophy, meditation and application;

  • The Abiding Heart’s unique child development studies from birth to rebirth, bringing together contemplative studies and psychology; together with developmental science, neuroscience and transformative experiential philosophy of education;

  • The Abiding Heart Education Learning Approach: Contemplative pedagogy, the transformative learning approach of Steiner and other contemporary philosophies of education leading to the understanding of the components of the Abiding Heart Education™ transformative experiential contemplative learning approach;

  • Transformative Experiential curriculum preparation studies, which includes curriculum content and application for kindergarten;

  • Curriculum development and lesson planning;   

  • From an unhealthy self towards a healthy self: Safeguarding and nurturing the wellbeing of children with Buddhism in mind;

  • The compassionate wholesome practice of school organisation, management and community building;

  • Himalayan Buddhist arts, such as Thangka paintings, mani stone carving and Charya dance;

  • Artistic activities, such as drawing, painting, clay modelling, woodcarving, handwork and stone carving;     

  • Teaching placements in the student's country of residence​. 

In addition, the Abiding Heart Education includes a specifically designed transformative experiential primary curriculum for the Himalayan region. We integrated the principles of Waldorf Education with the region's rich spiritual heritage that is embedded in Buddhism, the close relationship with the Vedic traditions, and local culture and languages. Through this, we aim to contribute to and broaden both governments and private sectors, secular and religious early childhood education curriculum. 


Because of the urgency to protect Himalayan culture, the Abiding Heart Education™ approach includes some translations of the Abiding Heart curriculum into the Tibetan and Nepalese languages. Teachers will have access to rich materials in Tibetan and Nepalese, which support the children’s sense of self and cultural identity while preserving their native language and ancient wisdom traditions. The curriculum is available in English and all other language speakers are welcome to translate the resources into their own language. 


Our academic year has 2 semesters:

  • Winter/Spring Semester (February- May) 

  • Summer/Autumn Semester (July - December)


The ​full-time training is a 2-year course and consists of a total of four semesters. Each semester has:​

  • 1-4 weeks teaching practice at a school

  • 2-4 reading weeks/self-study  

  • 15-17 weeks of online lessons  


The part-time training is a ​4-year ​course and consists of a total of eight semesters. The trainees will have 2 semesters each year with 7-9 weeks classes each semester and, 2-4 weeks practicum and ​learning group sessions, which will take place in between the training periods. Part-time students must complete all modules offered to them in each semester. In this way they can complete all modules building up credits towards their Certificate over the specified four years period.

Both full-time and part-time students must join the course during the winter/spring semester. 

​Students taking this training are required to attend all modules to receive a Teaching Certificate in the Abiding Heart Education™ approach. 

Now that the pandemic is mostly behind us, students will have the option of attending some in-person classes at the Abiding Heart Education Centre while those who so prefer may continue with online classes. The academic calendar will remain the same and we will offer a blended course to accommodate both online and in-person students. Please note, there may be an additional fee of $100 for in-person attendance.

Tuition Fees:

 Please contact us at for an application pack and tuition fees information. 

If you need further information, please contact admissions or use our admissions inquiry form.


Students are asked to cover the cost of arts and crafts materials independently. 

Terms and Conditions apply. See our fee policy.

Abiding Heart Education is a 501(c)(3) charity registered in the USA. Donations are tax deductible in the USA. 

Abiding Heart Education is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation, registration number SC052307. Donations are tax deductible in the UK

© Abiding Heart Education™️ 2018-2025. All rights reserved. © Meyrav Mor 2000-2025. All rights reserved. No part of this website content may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from Abiding Heart Education and Meyrav Mor. 

The Abiding Heart Education™️ Approach; Abiding Heart’s kindergarten (age 3-6) and primary to early secondary (age 6 - 14)) curriculum, curriculum content; Abiding Heart's teacher training courses and their content;  and all other Abiding Heart courses and their content are legally copyright registered in USA and Nepal.  The Abiding Heart Education works that have been fixed in a tangible form of expression (for example, but not limited to, written on paper, typed into a computer, recorded on an audio medium) become protected by copyright.  Our Legal registration provides enhanced enforcement and penalties for infringement. Full patent applications for the Abiding Heart Education approach are now pending in USA (63/362,964 18/298,700) and Nepal (271). The Abiding Heart Education Approach is patent registered in Hong Kong (HK30087182; HK30087172). Abiding Heart Education™ name and logo are trademark registered.

Abiding Heart Community:

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Experiential Buddhist Education Nepal:

Abide Experiential Learning Hub for Children (Scotland):

Abiding Heart Education Scotland:



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